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Find the latest off the plan projects
Investorist promotes more than $25 billion in off the plan property to 9,000+ channel agents globally.
Latest listed projects.
New projects added daily, these are a small snapshot of the property options available to agents on Investorist.
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Premium listings.
Undoubtedly one of Melbourne’s best value projects
High-quality apartments located only 100 meters from Seddon Village, 150m from a train station and just 3 stops to the Melbourne CBD. High, exposed concrete ceilings to living areas with high quality and design-focused finishes.
The Geocon story.
Geocon's founder and managing director Nick Georgalis, shared with Investorist the story and success to become the largest integrated development and construction business in Canberra and one of the largest in the whole country.
Tempo Box Hill design.
MAB’s founder Michal Buxton shares his inspirational story.
Jon catches up with the MAB project team to discuss the launch of their amazing Tempo Box Hill project.
Discover why Tempo will be a stand out success.
Over 7 years, Investorist has built an incredibly powerful network.
$25b project value
Investorist lists projects from more than 10 countries globally. In 2020 we had over $25b in properties from Australia alone.
Global agent network
With over 9,000 active agencies globally Investorist has the world’s most powerful network of off-the-plan specialists in the world.
4,058 sales
Across 2020, in the height of the global pandemic Investorist Australia recorded over 4,000 sales. All offices continue to record strong sales activity.